Testimonial of patient about our implant for the metoidioplasty ZSI 100 D4!

We had the pleasure to receive per email this testimonial of a patient who told us about his experience with our implant ZSI 100 D4 for the metoidioplasty.

“I had surgery with Dr. Rausky on the 5th of February 2020, in Tenon hospital in Paris.

I am satisfied with the implant. According to the surgeon, it allowed to keep a significant length. It is not painful and allows a good flexibility of the penis. I was surprised that it was flexible enough to move with my cavernous body without having to move it every time.

It is pretty incredible to realize that there is a real difference with the aspect of my penis when it is flaccid or in erectile position. I don’t need to do anything to make it work, even if of course it does not directly come from the implant itself, but due to the gain of length that the implant allowed.

I did not imagine such a flexibility. Even if I know for sure it is not an erectile device, and the rigidity is not meant to have intercourse with penetration (it is not the purpose of the implant), I still manage to get a considerable angle of erection.

I was worried after the surgery, especially about the risk of rejection and extrusion of the implant, but Dr. Rausky knew how to respond to my concerns. I also was afraid that my vagina was impacted during the surgery.

I had some pain in the area of the posterior vulvar fourchette, but now it almost disappeared (barely 3 months after the surgery).

I am very satisfied with the surgery. Even if it is not revolutionary, I am glad to have a few more centimeters.”



ZSI is the only European manufacturer of artificial urinary sphincters and of malleable and hydraulic penile implants, as solutions for male urological problems (incontinence), sexual complications (Erectile Dysfunction), and gender identity procedures (prostheses for trans men and women).




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