Implant FTM metoidioplasty

6 December 2023
First ZSI100D4 implanted after metoidioplasty in Bogota!

A look back at an intensive week of workshops on affirming surgery and prosthesis implantation at the San Ignacio University Hospital in Bogotá (Universidad Javeriana), Colombia. Dr. Nicolas Morel Journel,...

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26 April 2021
Getting an implant after having done a metoidioplasty?

We received this question per email, and we thought it would be interesting to share the answer here. So, can the ZSI 100 D4 implant be inserted after having already...

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6 April 2021
Testimonial of patient using ZSI 100 D4 implant for the metoidioplasty!

We are pleased to share this testimonial from a patient about his experience with our ZSI 100 D4 implant for the metoidioplasty! "I had surgery in Lyon Sud hospital in...

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30 March 2021
About metoidioplasty !

We met Dr Jean-Etienne Terrier, urological surgeon at Jean Mermoz private hospital in Lyon, in France. This extract from our interview is specifically focused on metoidioplasty. What does this surgery...

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20 October 2020
Why ZSI implants for FTM patients?

FTM (Female to Male – assigned female at birth but who doesn’t identify as such and identifies more as male) people may have several steps to complete for their transition....

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18 June 2020
Testimonial of patient about our implant for the metoidioplasty ZSI 100 D4!

Evan, age 35, lives in Montpellier, France, and it has been 2 years (January 2016) that he has lived with his ZSI 475 FTM prosthesis. At the conference “Les Trans,...

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22 November 2017

FIRST IMPLANTATION OF THE MALLEABLE IMPLANT FOR METOIDIOPLASTY ZSI 100 D4 IN LYON (FRANCE)   The placing of malleable penile implants in cisgender men’s penile corpora cavernosa is well-understood and...

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