Inflatable implant FTM

19 April 2022
Interview with Dr Enrique LLEDO in Madrid, Spain ! Dr Enrique Lledo est chef de la section d’urologie fonctionnelle reconstructive et andrologique de l’hôpital universitaire Gregorio Maranon de Madrid en Espagne. Il exerce egalement dans le secteur privé...

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17 June 2021
Interview Pr. Weiguo Hu

Prof. Weiguo Hu is president of the French society for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. We have had the pleasure to meet him in Brest Hospital. He told us about...

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10 June 2021
Implantation of inflatable prosthesis in Brest!

We were at the Cavale Blanche hospital to meet Prof. Weiguo Hu during a new implantation of inflatable implant ZSI 475 FTM for the phalloplasty. Prof. Hu is president of...

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31 May 2021
Testimonial of Anthony about ZSI phalloplasty implant

Anthony lives in Bordeaux, in France. We met him during a presentation of our implants. This meeting was organized in the LGBTQI+ centre le Girofard with the association Trans3.0. He...

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27 May 2021
New implantation of ZSI 475 FTM in Madrid!

We were very happy to finally be able to travel to Madrid to attend a new implantation of the ZSI 475 FTM inflatable implant at the Vithas Nisa Pardo Hospital...

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3 May 2021
Using the pump

Some patients contacted us to know if it was normal that the implant was sometimes difficult to inflate at the beginning? If you have difficulties to inflate the implant when...

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30 April 2021

Did you know ZSI is also present in Turkey? Plastic surgeon Pr Serdar Nasir already implanted our prostheses for the phalloplasty several times. Last week, a prosthesis ZSI 475 FTM...

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28 April 2021
Interview Dr. Marco Falcone

Doctor Marco Falcone is a urologist surgeon in the Molinette Hospital in Torino. He is specialized in gender affirming surgery. In this interview, he told us about his activity, his...

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8 April 2021
Interview Dr. Jean-Etienne Terrier

Dr Jean-Etienne Terrier, urological surgeon at Jean Mermoz private hospital in Lyon, told us about his activity regarding gender affirming surgeries, the different stages for the phalloplasty and his experience...

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17 March 2021
Implantations of inflatable prostheses in Paris!

This month, we had the pleasure to meet Dr. Adrien Vidart for the implantation of two ZSI 475 FTM inflatable prostheses for the phalloplasty! Doctor Vidart is a urologist and...

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12 March 2021
New implantations of ZSI 475 FTM implants in Bordeaux !

We were with Professor Vincent Casoli, plastic and aesthetic surgeon at the University Hospital of Bordeaux, France. The professor is also responsible for the Transgender Unit within the hospital. We...

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20 October 2020
Why ZSI implants for FTM patients?

FTM (Female to Male – assigned female at birth but who doesn’t identify as such and identifies more as male) people may have several steps to complete for their transition....

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