From the 16th to the 19th of November, the group Fierté Montpellier–Tignes Pride organized a weekend full of conferences and meetings called “Les Trans, parlons-en” (Trans, let’s talk about it). This was the first event of this scope in France, bringing together many professionals specializing in trans topics at the medical, associative, legal, and political levels. Many people in transition or on the way to transition also shared their stories and experiences. Several committed trans artists also presented works (films, theatrical works, photos, etc.) as means of expression and consciousness-raising on the trans theme. The principal players in the children’s trans movement in Canada even made the trip to share stories of their activities and struggles.

Zephyr Surgical Implants was invited to participate in a meeting about prosthesis surgery. We presented several implant models for phalloplasty and metoidioplasty, implants specifically designed for FTM procedures, including the vaginal Stent, a postsurgical insert for vaginoplasties. This allowed us to explain the specifications of the ZSI FTM and MTF products, and compare them with those of other prosthesis manufacturers who don’t offer any models specifically adapted for trans patients.


One of the event organizers received a ZSI 475 FTM implant in 2016 and is quite content with his prosthesis. He also took time to share his knowledge on the subject—we’ll post his interview soon. Speaking directly to his own experience with the implant was very brave. He provided a lot of first-hand information about the daily use of the implant.


We set up a booth displaying our available products so that visitors could pose questions, and above all see and touch the implants. The interactions with the people there were exciting and instructive! Direct contact with patients new and old is always a pleasure. We we were touched by the hospitality, accessibility, friendliness, gentleness, and dedication of the organizers and participants.


We hope that many more such events will follow, with the goal of bringing people together, creating awareness, informing, and sharing this field in general. Cheers to the whole organizational team, and thank you for the invitation!

Link the event program
Link the Fierté-Montpellier-Tignes Pride page


ZSI is the only European manufacturer of artificial urinary sphincters and of malleable and inflatable penile implants, as solutions for male urological problems (incontinence), sexual complications (Erectile Dysfunction), and gender identity procedures (prostheses for trans men and women).



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